Monday, December 19, 2011

Custom Wedding Invitations

Hi!  Long time no post! 

I finished up my these custom wedding invitations for my best friend from college, Kristie, right before I had my son in August.  They turned out to be absolutely beautiful!  I love them!  This picture does not do it justice.  It was done in 3 different papers:  metallic black for the folder and envelope, metallic fuschia paper for the accent color, and a beautiful metallic ivory for the invitation and cards.  Kristie's theme was a black damask with fuschia accents, which I came up with for her save the dates.  She carried this theme throughout her wedding.  Everything was beautiful.

Congratulations Kristie!  Today is actually her birthday, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Much love!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Check this out!

If you are a creative individual - check this out!  Very cool website to gain some inspiration.


I also get Graphic Design USA and absolutely love looking through that magazine for inspiration.  It's amazing when you look through what others have done what ideas will pop into your head.  I am currently working on a logo for my buddy Chris Herron, custom wedding invitations for my BF Kristie Santora, and at work I am just about to begin designing a custom sampling vehicle for one of our shutter vendors that will go into Lowe's throughout the country and Canada.  FUN!!

Also, check out my good friend Melanie's new design blog.  It rocks!

Happy Designing!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Welcome y'all!

Welcome to Endurance Creative!

The name Endurance Creative comes after experiencing one of the most traumatic experiences one can go through:  Cancer.  Yes, it was a rough time in my life – but with faith, family, friends, and modern medicine – I endured.  I got back up, brushed myself off, and I stand here today with a renewed sense of how good life really is.  I am a creative person and have been since I was a little girl.  I want to continue my creative efforts outside of my full-time job as a graphic designer, and do some freelance on the side.

Here’s a little bit about the logo design.  If you all know me, you know that I am a hummingbird fanatic.  What better symbol could be used for the word endurance?  They fly thousands of miles every year and weigh a little more than a penny.  That is amazing!  I also had several encounters with them during my cancer experience that made my day a little brighter.  They endure a tortuous journey and so did I.  So, the hummingbird gets center stage.  I hope you all like it…I would love feedback on it!

Below are some of the freelance designs I have been working on, just to show you what I can do!  I do a ton of corporate designs at work, and feel that with freelance I get to be much more creative and use super bright colors - it's so fun!  I will continue to update this blog with anything and everything creative.

So there it is!  I look forward to designing pretty things for you.
